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  In Paulo Coelho’s book, “The Archer” the main character, Tetsuya, teaches a boy the way of the archer. Tetsuya compares the bow to life, while the arrow is the intention. If our life is in alignment with our authentic truth and our intention is to live to the fullness of who we are, when we draw back the bow—life, then release the arrow—our intention, we will always hit our mark.   Intentions are powerful sources of energy. We can intend anything to work out for our best interest, yet for this to happen our intention must align with our true selves. Often times we think that life is in control. We believe we have to take it as it comes. But what if before we did anything, drew back the bow of life, we set an intention for things to work out for our best, then released our arrow with the intention of everything working out for us?   Many would think setting an intention is nothing more than wishful thinking. Yet they would be wrong. The issue is most people have little experience with

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