Spiritual Journey


Why is it when we think of being on a spiritual journey, we think of someone with a shaved head, sitting cross-legged meditating on a cushion, with incense burning. Now I know this is a stereotype, but you get the point. We always think of someone other than ourselves being on a spiritual journey.


What if we were to accept that every day we are working to return to our authentic self, whether we know it or not, and that is a spiritual journey. I use the words “return to our authentic self,” because at one time in life we knew our authentic self. Thinking this way may take a bit of mystery out of the definition of a spiritual journey.


That would mean that each and every one of us is on a spiritual journey. It wouldn’t matter if your hair is purple, you drive a truck, are a single parent, or have a shaved head, meditating on a cushion, while incense is burning. It doesn’t matter, each of us is on a spiritual journey.


With this realization, how would life change? We may stop judging ourselves and others, knowing that everyone is on a journey to rediscover the truth of who they are. Yet we would have to accept that no matter how toxic a person may appear, they are doing their best to reconnect with their authentic truth.


This is where it can be a challenge, because it is so easy for us to judge ourselves and others as not doing enough, or not being good enough. In our judgement is the belief that we should be doing better. Our judgement blocks our way along our journey, because there is no love in judgement.


If we begin to accept our own self-love, we are well on our way to reconnecting with our authentic self. It is here we realize that love is the foundation of who we are, and love is at the center of all creation.


Those who appear toxic to us are those who have become disconnected from this stream of eternal love. The best we can do is to open our heart to them and allow our love to flow to them. This way we are remaining true to ourselves even though they may not know the truth of who they are.


One of the great things about sharing the love found in our inner truth, is we are being completely honest and true to the nature of who we are. In this way we are not ashamed of our behavior, and we do not have to worry about karma catching up with us. When we are expressing love without condition or expectation, we are aligned with the powerful love of all creation.


Of course we will have rough days where we are no where near our true loving selves, but this is where forgiveness comes into play. In a true act of self-forgiveness we love ourselves enough to recognize we are doing the best we can, and there is no need to judge ourselves. We can forgive ourselves for having a tough time, and quickly return to a place of self-love.


It is not only ourselves we can forgive. Those who are unaware of their spiritual journey may also need forgiveness. One thing to remember is who we see in a person may be different than the person deep within them, the person they are afraid to show to the world. Yet it is through our self-love we choose to forgive. We forgive and let go of the hold their behavior has on us.


Will life change if we learn to accept that we are on a spiritual journey? That is the hope. It is along this journey where we work to return to the love that is at the foundation of the truth of who we are. It doesn’t matter what you drive, eat, or whether you meditate or not. Reconnecting with this eternal source of love will shift the way you go through life.


Do you believe you are on a spiritual journey?


Let me know what you think. I’m always open to exploring the subject further. Leave a question or comment below, or email me at paulhudonauthor@gmail.com. I’d enjoy hearing from you.


Each week I email an article to those who have subscribed to my weekly. This week I wrote about being grateful for the challenges we face in life. Here is an excerpt.


Expressing gratitude for the cool stuff in life is easy. It’s being grateful for our struggles that can pose a challenge. But when we think about it, these situations help create who we are today. This may seem odd, yet if we were to look for the growth we experienced from our challenges we may become grateful for how they help shape our lives.


If you would like to receive these weekly articles, scroll to the very bottom of the page where you will find a place to subscribe.


My book, “A Complete Life, Discovering Your Authentic Self” was recently awarded an Honorable Mention in the 30th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards in the Inspirational/Self-Help category. I appreciate the recognition from the Writer’s Digest judges.


To purchase a copy of, “Your Inner Guidance, The Path to Discovering Your True Happiness,” or “A Complete Life, Discovering Your Authentic Self,”  and you live in my area, you can buy them at Salida Books in Salida, or The Book Nook in Buena Vista. Or reach out to me, and I’ll sign a copy for you.


You can also buy them through Amazon, as an eBook or paperback, by clicking on the link. Please feel free to leave a review.





In the November issue of Conscious Shift Magazine you will find my article, “Our True Essence is Love” https://consciousshiftcommunity.com/our-true-essence-is-love/


Check out Conscious Shift Magazine, a great resource for guidance and inspiration.


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I would like to thank you for reading this article and being a part of this wonderful adventure called life. I appreciate your support.


Peace and Well-Being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2022



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